Abstract-A high prediction accuracy of the students' performance is helpful to identify the low performance students at the beginning of the learning process. Machine learning is used to attain this objective. Machine learning techniques are used to discover models or patterns of data, and it is helpful in the decision-making. The ability to predict performance of students is very crucial in our present education system. We applied Machine learning concepts for this study. The dataset used in our study is taken from the Wolkite university registries office for college of computing and informatics from 2004 up to 2007 E.C with respect to each department. In this study, we have been collected student's transcript data that included their final GPA and their grades in all courses. After pre-processing the data, we applied the machine learning methods, neural networks, Naive Bayesian and Support Vector Machine (SMO). Finally, we built the model for each method, evaluate the performance and compare the results of each model. Using machine learning, the aim was to develop a model which can derive the conclusion on students' academic success.