The main focus of this article is to addresses issues about the pecha kucha approach in the university English classes. It is intended here to describe the impact of the of the new presentation format in the new modern University English classrooms. In order to attain the aim of this article, we conducted a bibliographic study that pays a special attention on the advantages and disadvantages of pecha kucha in university classroom. Under advantage section we can find some important features such as the pedagogical benefits, the teacher- student roles, and last but not the least, the use of technology. On the other side, the drawback section explains the three main limitations such as time constraint, content restriction, and excessive number of rehearsals. In this new decade there is a burning desire among teachers in helping students to be technologically skilled. Through the use of pecha kucha students not only acquire the necessary tech skills but also it builds in them a critical thinking. The study concludes that there are more advantages than disadvantages in using pecha kucha in the university English classes. Moreover, the study also highlights that one possible solution to mitigate the time constraint problem is to allow the flexibility at the moment of action.