Regular fuel-based vehicles are more reliable because of their rich looks, flexibility, influence, and preferred effectiveness over non-traditional electrical vehicles. Building a green vehicle is a test given the constraint in power transformation. The energy transfer rate of a sun-oriented power vehicle is less. In this proposition, this paper has endeavored to cover every one of the parameters and components influencing the manufacture of a sun-oriented controlled vehicle. Computer-aided engineering/design has played a significant job to accomplish the execution objectives of the vehicle. The present work visualize utilizing both sunlight based and electric forces to impel the vehicle since sun based power transformation is not enough to meet the complete power necessities. Considering weight, strength, and ergonomics an optimal chassis was designed. Then the chassis frame analyzed for different ride conditions. The suspension system and other vehicle systems were designed by following basic vehicle conditions and analyzed the components. Finally, the performance of the vehicle was estimated. According to those estimations, this vehicle is very much suitable for on-campus transport application. This design is just to give a brief idea to develop the solar-based electrically driven vehicles