Many applications in ecology depend on unbiased and precise estimates of animal population density. Spatial capture recapture models and their variants have become the preferred tool for estimating densities of carnivores. Within the spatial capture-recapture family are variants that require individual identification of all encounters (spatial capture-recapture), individual identification of a subset of a population (spatial mark-resight), or no individual identification (spatial count). In addition, these models can incorporate telemetry data (all models) and the marking process (spatial mark-resight). However, the consistency of results among methods and the relative precision of estimates in a real-world setting are unknown. Consequently, it is unclear how much and what type of data are needed to achieve satisfactory density estimates. We tested a suite of models to estimate population densities of black bears (Ursus americanus), bobcats (Lynx rufus), cougars (Puma concolor), and coyotes (Canis latrans). For each species we genotyped fecal DNA collected with detection dogs. A subset of individuals from each species were affixed with GPS collars bearing unique markings to be resighted by remote cameras set on a 1 km grid. We fit 10 models for each species ranging from those requiring no animals to be individually recognizable to others that necessitate full individual recognition. We then assessed the contribution of incorporating telemetry data to each model and the marking process to the mark-resight model. Finally, we developed an integrated hybrid model that combines camera, physical capture, genetic, and GPS data into a single hierarchical model. Importantly, we find that spatial count models that do not individually identify animals fail in all cases whether or not telemetry data are included. Results improved as models contained more information on individual identity. Models where a subset of individuals were identifiable yielded qualitatively similar results, but can produce quantitatively divergent estimates, suggesting that long-term population monitoring should use a consistent method across years. Incorporation of telemetry data and the marking process can produce more accurate and precise density estimates. Our results can be used to guide future study designs to efficiently estimate carnivore densities for better understanding of population dynamics, predator-prey relationships, and community assemblages.