TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractCusiana is a field of three stacked reservoirs (Mirador, Barco and Guadalupe) of volatile oil with a rich gas cap at the top. After a decade of gas re-injection at the crest of the main reservoir, Mirador, the fluid composition has changed as a result of production/injection. The static framework of this highly heterogeneous reservoir has changed too. For instance, minor faults that were proved to be seals at initial conditions are leaking and fractures that used to be passive have been reactivated today.Initial miscible gas injection strategy in Mirador delivered so far an oil recovery factor (RF) of 50% with remaining oil in areas difficult to access such as an oil rim between the producers and a weak aquifer, poor quality rock layers, and bypassed between the producers and the gas injectors. In Barco and Guadalupe, initial water injection successfully provided pressure support but did not sweep oil as expected (RF= 25%).A strategy was designed to recover additional oil by moving gas injection points to deeper formations, the flank of the structure, injecting at low flow rates from distributed injection points and maintaining a favorable voidage replacement. This strategy was based on a synergy among the three reservoirs, which allowed well conversions, rehabilitation of 9 shut-in wells to be injectors or producers and conversion of 10.5 km of water injection flowline, which expanded the gas injection network.After 40% of the strategy implementation by the end of 2005, 1.8 MMSTB of incremental oil has been recovered, reducing the monthly field oil rate decline by half. This success has "boosted" the continuation of the gas injection redistribution strategy for 2006. This paper describes the geological and reservoir engineering modeling that was performed to design the gas injection redistribution strategy in this mature field.