The effects of draft on the flow and spillage characteristics of wall-mounted and jet-isolated range hoods were investigated. A specially designed draft generator that could supply low-swirl air current was used to provide "cross draft" from three directions, lateral (θ = 0(o)), oblique (θ = 45(o)), and front (θ = 90(o)), with respect to the center point of the range hoods. Flow characteristics of oil mist were inspected through visualization of smoke flows with light scattering (laser light sheet-assisted visualization of smoke flow). The leakage mechanisms, which were closely related to the flow features, were studied by examining both movies and still pictures showing smoke-flow evolution. The sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas concentration detection method was employed to measure the capture indices. The results showed that the lateral draft pushed the pollutants generated under the hood in the opposite direction and induced serious spillage. The oblique draft pushed the pollutants toward both the rear wall and opposite side and induced more serious spillage than did the lateral draft. The frontal draft forced the pollutants to bifurcate into streams moving toward the left and the right, and induced the most serious pollutant spillage among the three tested drafts. Pollutant spillage became critically significant as the cross draft velocity was increased to greater than 0.2 m/sec. Spillage of pollutants increased as the velocity of the cross draft was increased. Increasing the suction flow rate of the range hood may increase resistance to the draft, but the benefits were limited at draft velocities greater than 0.2 m/sec. Both range hoods had a similarly low capture index under the influence of the lateral draft. For the oblique and frontal drafts, the jet-isolated range hood demonstrated a higher capture index than did the wall-mounted range hood.