Radial drilling-fracturing, the combination of the hydraulic fracturing and radial borehole, is a technology that can guide the hydraulic fractures to directionally propagate and efficiently develop low permeability reservoir. In this paper, an analytical model of two radial boreholes (a basic research unit) is established to predict fracture initiation pressure (FIP) from one particular radial borehole and the interference between radial boreholes when the hydraulic fracturing is guided by multi-radial boreholes. The model is based on the stress superposition principle and the maximum tensile stress criterion. The effects of in situ stress, wellbore pressure, and fracturing fluid percolation are considered. Then, sensitivity analysis is performed by examining the impact of the intersection angle between radial boreholes, the depth difference between radial boreholes, the radius of radial boreholes, Biot coefficient, and the number of radial boreholes. The results show that FIP declines with the increase of radial boreholes number and the decrease of intersection angle and depth difference between radial boreholes. Meanwhile, the increase of radial borehole number and the reduction of intersection angle and depth difference strengthen the interference between radial boreholes, which conduce to the formation of the fracture network connecting radial boreholes. Besides, FIP declines with the increase of radial borehole radius and the decrease of Biot coefficient. Large radius and low Biot coefficient can enlarge the influence range of additional stress field produced by radial boreholes, enhance the mutual interference between radial boreholes, and guide fracture growth between radial boreholes. In hydraulic fracturing design, in order to reduce FIP and strengthen the interference between radial boreholes, the optimization design can be carried out by lowering intersection angle, increasing radius and number of boreholes, and reducing the depth difference between boreholes when the conditions permit. The research clarifies the interference between radial boreholes and provides the theoretical basis for optimizing radial boreholes layout in hydraulic fracturing guided by multi-radial boreholes.