Students face many difficulties in understanding some imaginary physical phenomena, mathematical or logical concepts and formations, which makes it difficult for the university professor to reach the required scientific perception, so the professors are forced to move forward using all digital innovations in order to provide the highest possible teaching quality., This paper describes computational modelling. And simulates and visualizes some physical phenomena in college using the VPython programming language (Visual Python), which is a great tool for demonstrating, calculating, and simulating physics displays and experiments, as VPython is a powerful and easy-to-use environment for creating 3D animations and publishing them on the web. It contains many built-in objects and shapes, as well as graphic capabilities. They can be used to create interactive programs using user interface elements. The process of making the program interactive starts first with creating the objects and setting variables for them, then creating a widget that the user can interact with, which is a useful exploration and a new way to improve students' skills and support the interactive teaching of computers and humans for Physics, as well as a response to the 'education' reform in Libya