In most image retrieval systems, images include various high-level semantics, called tags or annotations. Virtually all the state-of-the-art image annotation methods that handle imbalanced labeling are search-based techniques which are time-consuming. In this paper, a novel coupled dictionary learning approach is proposed to learn a limited number of visual prototypes and their corresponding semantics simultaneously. This approach leads to a real-time image annotation procedure. Another contribution of this paper is that utilizes a marginalized loss function instead of the squared loss function that is inappropriate for image annotation with imbalanced labels. We have employed a marginalized loss function in our method to leverage a simple and effective method of prototype updating. Meanwhile, we have introduced 1 regularization on semantic prototypes to preserve the sparse and imbalanced nature of labels in learned semantic prototypes. Finally, comprehensive experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the pro-Authors contributed equally on this research.