The circular economy plays an important role in delivering on the commitment set out in the Green Deal for Europe. One of its key priorities is plastics - an important material that is ubiquitous in the economy and everyday life due to its functions. The production, use, and consumption of plastics have a negative impact on the environment, generating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the supply of non-renewable raw materials. The change towards a circular economy, which is intended to preserve the value of products and materials for as long as possible, is to be supported by a hierarchy of waste management methods. The priority is waste prevention, while reuse and recycling are other appropriate ways. The paper presents how the Liberec Region is managing to meet the commitments of the Green Deal for Europe. Every individual can contribute to the implementation by changing their thinking and creative approach. An example is the upcycling of a plastic bottle, where the bottle is not perceived as waste but as a material for creating a new product with a higher use value.