The present investigation entitled “Optimization of phosphorus levels for groundnut under different land configuration in Afghanistan” was carried out at Afghanistan National Agricultural Science and Technology University (ANASTU), Kandahar Province, Afghanistan during spring season of 2020. The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design with 15 treatment combinations and three replications. The main-plot consised of land configurations, viz. ridge and furrow (RF), broad bed and furrow (BBF) and flatbed (FB), while the sub-plots comprised of phosphorus levels, viz. absolute control, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg P2 O5 / ha. The results revealed that the plant growth in terms of dry matter accumulation (above ground and below ground) and number of branches/plant were maximum in BBF, followed by FB and minimum in RF. Adoption of BBF also recorded significantly higher pod yield (2,987 kg/ha) and harvest index (31.0). With respect to P levels, application of 60 kg P2O5 /ha produced significantly higher pod yield (3,363 kg/ha), biological yield (13,157 kg/ha) than other P2 O5 levels. Therefore, growing of groundnut on BBF with application of 60 kg P2 O5 / ha was found beneficial for achieving higher production and productivity under Afghanistan conditions.