e purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and cement content on the permeability and bearing capacity characteristics of aggregate base courses. Mixtures containing untreated RAP ranging between 0 and 100 percent and 1, 2, and 3% cement-treated RAP were subjected to laboratory tests (bitumen content, sieve analysis, modified proctor, soaked California bearing ratio (CBR), and constant-level permeability tests). e results showed that, as the RAP percentage in the mixture increased, CBR values decreased considerably. Moreover, there is a linear increase in the CBR values with cement treatment. Optimum moisture contents (OMC) and maximum dry densities (MDD) showed a decreasing trend. Increasing the cement percentages in 100% RAP blend increases the OMC and MDD values. e permeability of RAP showed a decrease as the percentage of RAP and cement increased in blends. e study showed that the CBR value of the 20% RAP blend is also obtained in the 100% RAP/3% cement-treated blend. us, it has been understood that cement is a suitable material in order to increase the use of RAP. In addition, the increase in the percentage of RAP and cement made the base course more impermeable.