The devastating acute COVID-19 epidemic crippled the global economy in 2020. Within a month of the COVID-19 epidemic, every industry saw its stock prices plummet the most. Ending the COVID-19 pandemic will need equitable access to safe and effective vaccinations. This study aims to look at the link between COVID-19 vaccination and the stock markets for health and pharmaceutical sector.
The researchers used a mean-adjusted return model and event research approach to figure out how the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine affects health and pharmaceutical sector stock market returns.
The evidence-based outcome indicates that immunisation announcement affects health and pharmaceutical company returns. Furthermore, the study concludes that the health and pharmaceutical industry is inefficient for a short period of time, but after 41 days, the sector absorbs the noisy information.
Since the outbreak, the development of COVID-19 vaccines has been a key focus of shareholders and investors. This study is unique in that it investigates the effect of the first dosage of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on equity returns in the health and pharmaceutical industries, and it is likely to make a substantial contribution to the capital market literature on event methodology.