Seismically derived amplitude‐versus‐angle attributes along with well constraints are the base inputs into inverting seismic into subsurface properties. Conditioning the common image gathers is a common workflow in quantitative inversion and leads to a more accurate inversion product due to the removal of post‐migration artefacts. Here, we apply a neural network to condition the post‐migration gathers. The network is a cycle generative adversarial network, CycleGAN, which was designed for image‐to‐image translation. This can be considered the same problem as translating an artefact rich seismic gather to an artefact free seismic gather. To assess the feasibility of applying the network to pre‐stack conditioning, synthetic data sets were generated to train different networks for different tasks. The networks were trained to remove white noise, residual de‐multiples, gather flattening and a combination of the above for conditioning. The results show that a trained network was able remove white noise providing a more robust amplitude‐versus‐offset calculation. Another network trained using synthetic gathers with and without multiples assisted in multiple removal. However, instability around primary preservation has been observed so the network works better as a residual de‐multiple method. For gather conditioning, a network was trained with the unpaired artefact‐rich and artefact‐free training data where the artefacts included complex moveout, noise and multiples. When applied to the test data sets, the networks cleaned the artefact‐rich test data and translated complex moveout into flat gathers whilst preserving the amplitude response. Finally, two networks are applied to real data where a gather based on the well logs is used to quantify the match between the conditioned gathers and the raw gathers. The first network used synthetic data to train the network and, when applied to real data, provided a better tie with the well. The second network was trained with synthetic gathers whose properties were constrained by real seismic gathers from near the well. As anticipated, the network trained on the representative training data outperforms the network trained using the unconstrained data. However, the ability of the first network to condition the gather indicates that a sweep of networks can be trained without the need for real data and applied in a manner analogous to the way parameters are adjusted in traditional geophysical methods. The results show that the different neural networks can offer an alternative or augmentation to the existing geophysical workflow for conditioning pre‐stack seismic gathers.