Oxygenic photogranules (OPGs), spherical aggregates comprised
phototrophic and nonphototrophic microorganisms, treat wastewater
without aeration, which currently incurs the highest energy demand
in wastewater treatment. In wastewater-treatment reactors, photogranules
grow in number as well as in size. Currently, it is unknown how the
photogranules grow in size and how the growth impacts their properties
and performance in wastewater treatment. Here, we present that the
photogranules’ growth occurs with changes in phototrophic community
and granular morphology. We observed that as the photogranules grow
larger, filamentous cyanobacteria become enriched while other phototrophic
microbes diminish significantly. The photogranules greater than 3
mm in diameter showed the development of a layered structure in which
a concentric filamentous cyanobacterial layer encloses noncyanobacterial
aggregates. We observed that the growth of photogranules significantly
impacts their capability of producing oxygen, the key element in OPG
wastewater treatment. Among seven size classes investigated in this
study, photogranules in the 0.5–1 mm size group showed the
highest specific oxygen production rate (SOPR), 21.9 ± 1.3 mg
O2/g VSS-h, approximately 75% greater than the SOPR of
mixed photogranular biomass. We discuss engineering the OPG process
based on photogranules’ size, promoting the stability of the
granular process and enhancing efficiency for self-aerating wastewater