Platinum is the primary catalyst
for many chemical reactions in
the field of heterogeneous catalysis. However, platinum is both expensive
and rare. Therefore, it is advantageous to combine Pt with another
metal to reduce cost while also enhancing stability. To that end,
Pt is often combined with Co to form Co–Pt nanocrystals. However,
dynamical restructuring effects that occur during reaction in Co–Pt
ensembles can impact catalytic properties. In this study, model Co2Pt3 nanoparticles supported on carbon were characterized
during a redox cycle with two in situ approaches,
namely, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and scanning transmission
electron microscopy (STEM) using a multimodal microreactor. The sample
was exposed to temperatures up to 500 °C under H2,
and then to O2 at 300 °C. Irreversible segregation
of Co in the Co2Pt3 particles was seen during
redox cycling, and substantial changes of the oxidation state of Co
were observed. After H2 treatment, a fraction of Co could
not be fully reduced and incorporated into a mixed Co–Pt phase.
Reoxidation of the sample increased Co segregation, and the segregated
material had a different valence state than in the fresh, oxidized
sample. This in situ study describes dynamical restructuring
effects in CoPt nanocatalysts at the atomic scale that are crucial
to understand in order to improve the design of catalysts used in
major chemical processes.