In today's digital era, practice of telemedicine has become common which involves the transmission of medical images and Myhealthrecord (MHR) for higher diagnosis in case of emergency and maintaining integrity, robustness, authentication and confidentiality of such patient's data becomes necessary. Many works has shown that the digital watermarking is one of the solutions but simultaneously, it is known that no complete algorithm is available to fulfil all the requirements of a field. Till the watermarking technique becomes robust, encryption technique can be considered as one of the best solution for protecting the data. Encoding is used for transforming the information in to another form and in the proposed work of digital watermarking (DWM); encoding is combined with encryption and DWM to enhance the protection of data by maintaining the above said constraints. In this paper, DWM for medical images is implemented by joint combination of spatial and frequency domain technique Singular value decomposition-Integer wavelet transform (SVD-IWT) respectively, 64-bit Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptotechnique and new encoding procedure. To avoid the degradation of the medical image which is very essential in the medical field, data payload should be less and is achieved by the use of quick response (QR) code which consumes less space for large information. Finally the proposed system is compared with other traditional methods and also evaluated against various image processing and geometric attacks.