The annual structures of harvested fodder by agricultural enterprises with different levels of productivity of the dairy herd have been established. The share of harvested hay was higher in agricultural enterprises of the second group and amounted to 6.7-8.4%. The maximum consumption of straw was typical for agricultural enterprises of the first group - 1.6-4.1%. The established shares of corn silage indicate that its use was largely due to the productivity of dairy herd animals. The share of corn silage in the farms of the first group was 19.2-24.7%. In 2021, the share of corn silage increased, mainly due to the formation of insurance stocks of feed on farms, especially the third group - 12.3-14.8%. The higher the productivity of cows and young animals, the more effectively grain forage is used in combination with other energy-protein feeds and feed additives that balance the diet. For 2021, on average, the use of grain fodder in the farms of the first and second groups was 37.9-42.8% and 36.9-46.4%, which is higher than in 2018-2020. by 7.2-9.0% and 8.9-11.0%. In general, regardless of the level of productivity of the dairy herd of farms, the provision of harvested feed with exchangeable energy and crude protein remains quite low due to their quality.