Numerical model solutions can help us develop a physical understanding of the atmosphere. However, the understanding that we develop may mislead us if the discretized model equations do not faithfully represent the continuous equations on which they are based. The solutions from such improperly discretized model equations may contain numerical artifacts that lead to confusing model behavior, such as spurious intermittent spikes. Those solutions may also be more sensitive to grid or timestep refinement than solutions from properly discretized model equations. In such cases, the sensitivity of the improperly discretized model will require more labor-intensive retuning, compared to a properly discretized model, whenever the grid or timestep is refined (Wan et al., 2021).A standard tool for identifying improperly discretized model equations is convergence testing (e.g., Knupp & Salari, 2002;Oberkampf et al., 2004;Roache, 1998). A self-convergence test examines the convergence of coarser resolution simulations to a simulation of the same model at fine resolution (e.g., Guerra & Ullrich, 2016;Williamson et al., 1992). Self-convergence testing is useful, and such testing can be done even when no realistic, analytic solution is available (e.g., Teixeira et al., 2007). If the solutions from a discretized model do not converge to a reference solution at a theoretically determined rate, for example, proportional to grid spacing and timestep, the test likely confirms the presence of one or more pathologies in the discretized equation set. Those pathologies may be subtle and difficult to identify by other means. The pathologies will certainly damage the solutions at fine