Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) therapy is an approved treatment that has known clinical efficacy against recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma. However, the distribution of the electric fields and the corresponding pattern of energy deposition in the brain are poorly understood. To evaluate the physical parameters that may influence TTFields, postacquisition MP‐RAGE, T1 and T2 MRI sequences from a responder with a right parietal glioblastoma were anatomically segmented and then solved using finite‐element method to determine the distribution of the electric fields and rate of energy deposition at the gross tumor volume (GTV) and other intracranial structures. Electric field–volume histograms (EVH) and specific absorption rate–volume histograms (SARVH) were constructed to numerically evaluate the relative and/or absolute magnitude volumetric differences between models. The electric field parameters EAUC, VE
150, E95%, E50%, and E20%, as well as the SAR parameters SARAUC, VSAR
7.5, SAR
95%, SAR
50%, and SAR
20%, facilitated comparisons between models derived from various conditions. Specifically, TTFields at the GTV were influenced by the dielectric characteristics of the adjacent tissues as well as the GTV itself, particularly the presence or absence of a necrotic core. The thickness of the cerebrospinal fluid on the convexity of the brain and the geometry of the tumor were also relevant factors. Finally, the position of the arrays also influenced the electric field distribution and rate of energy deposition in the GTV. Using EVH and SARVH, a personalized approach for TTFields treatment can be developed when various patient‐related and tumor‐related factors are incorporated into the planning procedure.