One of the ways to predict human characters is by using handwritten patterns. Graphologists have analyzed handwriting to determine a writer's personality by considering several parameters: writing slopes, spacing, inclination, and writing size. The results of the analysis have been widely used as a reference for psychologists to assess an individual's personality. Moreover, researchers have applied techniques to identify human characters using image processing techniques. However, different styles of handwriting require more research to develop. The process of separating objects from backgrounds needs a segmentation process. This research improves the quality of handwritten image segmentation using k-means clustering algorithms with the spatial filter. This spatial filter consisted of the median and mean filters. This research created various k values to gain the best segmentation results. The results showed that the median filter with a kernel size of 3×3 and the k value = 2 was the best segmentation result because the value of silhouette coefficient was the highest compared to the value of filter type and other k values which reach 99.22%.