“…If they do indeed originate from muscle spindles, it is possible that the recorded discharges are impulses conducted antidromically in branches of the parent axon to the spindle. Most sensory axons subserving various sensory modalities have branchings close to their receptors (Lindblom, 1958;Millar, 1971;Duclaux & Kenshalo, 1973;Floyd & Morrison, 1974;Horch, Whitehorn & Burgess, 1974; Matthews, 1977;Fukami, 1980). However, the T. KATO, Y. KAWAMURA AND T. MORIMOTO afferents to the sensory endings in the mammalian muscle spindles, especially Ia fibres to the primary ending, rarely branch prior to entering the capsule of individual spindles (for review, Matthews, 1972;Barker, 1974).…”