“…Suppose we first condition not just on the regime j at date t but also on a particular regime j 1 for date t + 1, j 2 for t + 2, and j m for t + m, and consider the value of Karamé (2010) noted that this (n × n) matrix can be calculated from the recursioñ Ψ m,j,j 1 ,...,jm = Φ 1,jmΨm−1,j,j 1 ,...,j m−1 + Φ 2,jmΨm−2,j,j 1 ,...,j m−2 + · · · + Φ r,jmΨm−r,j,j 1 ,...,j m−r for m = 1, 2, ... whereΨ 0j = I n and 0 =Ψ −1,. =Ψ −2,.…”