Dielectric materials are a class of materials that are polarized under an electric field. Typically, highly polarizable, or high dielectric materials are used in energy storage applications such as a capacitor. Materials that have high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, and high breakdown strength, have high energy density. Other important criteria for choosing a dielectric candidate include good thermal and mechanical stability. For their ease of processability and light weight applications, many polymer dielectrics are currently used commercially. Moreover, research to discover new materials to meet growing demand for lighter and more efficient materials has been ongoing.
This article provides information on the basic principles of a capacitor, what makes a good dielectric material for capacitor energy storage applications, common dielectric polymers and their properties, as well as the exploration of next generation dielectric materials. Finally, an examination of current efforts to explore new dielectric materials and how they can be further tuned with the help of theoretical computations and experimental validation, are discussed.