The morphology of beryllium coatings on the Inconel inner wall cladding tiles after JET-ILW campaigns was determined. The focus was on: (i) fuel retention and its share in the overall fuel inventory; (ii) the change of the layer structure and composition. The study is motivated in the view of planned D-T operation in JET. Four tiles were examined: the initial not exposed; one exposed to two campaigns (ILW1-2) and two facing the plasma during ILW1–3. As determined with ion beam and microscopy methods, the initial Be layer (9.0 μm thick) contained up to 4–5 at.% of impurities, mainly H, O, C, Ni. In the exposed tiles, the impurity content increases to 14–26 at.% (up to 20 at.% O, 1.7 at.% C, 1.0 at.% N, 1.3 at.% Ni and under 0.1 at.% W). The surface composition indicates gettering of O and a long-term retention of N. The Be thickness on the tile exposed to ILW1–2 was between 7.6 and 9.7 μm, thus indicating erosion in some areas, while the thickness after ILW1–3 increased to 10–12 μm. The D content was in the range 1.2–3.4×1017 cm−2 after ILW1–2 and 3.2–10×1017 cm−2 after ILW1–3 on most of the analyzed area, but in the limiter shadow values up to 58 ×1017 cm−2 were measured. Taking into account the total area of the Be-coated inner wall cladding tiles, the lower limit of D inventory amounts to 5.3×1022 atoms corresponding to about 176 mg, i.e. somewhat greater than the amount determined on Be limiters. The formation and spalling-off of Be-O particles was revealed.