In this positive perspective, middle managers are considered crucial for an organization's performance and success. One of the fundamental raisons d'être for a middle manager is to implement strategies and other decisions taken by top level managers. Middle managers collect and filter information from inside and outside the organization, interpret it and
1.3Scope of the thesis
Innovative Work BehaviorInnovative work behavior is related to innovation. OECD (2018, p. 20) defines business innovation as "a new or improved product or business process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the firm's previous products or business processes and that has been introduced on the market or brought into use by the firm."Innovative work behavior is to a certain extent a social process, in which communication and interaction with others support and lead to creativity (Perry-Smith, 2006). This is typically a role for middle managers, which differs from top management in several key aspects (Kauppila, Bizzi, & Obstfeld, 2018): top managers often consider only a limited number of options and respond quickly to external developments. Conversely, middle managers who bring people and their diverse ideas together, have more impact on an organization's
Individual characteristics of the middle managerNext to their social network structure, personal characteristics may help to explain why some middle managers are more innovative than others. In this thesis I focus on personality and on motivation and goal orientation.Personality traits are relatively stable over longer periods of time and therefore suited to explain differences in innovative work behavior (see Anderson, Potocnik, & Zhou, 2014, for an overview of the research in this area). In particular, the relationship between traits and creativity received a lot of attention (Abdullah, Omar, & Panatik, 2016;Anderson, Potocnik, & Zhou, 2014;Perry-Smith & Mannucci, 2017). Research on the influence of personality traits on innovative work behavior has paid much attention to the relation between the personality traits of the Five Factor Model and innovative work behavior. Of these five factors, openness to experience and conscientiousness in particular have been found to be associated with innovative work behavior (Baer, 2010;Woods et al., 2018). Individuals scoring high on conscientiousness are more dependable and committed, therefore it is often assumed that people scoring high on conscientiousness are highly motivated to find new solutions to problems that arise, or to make use of opportunities that evolve (Judge et al.,
The autonomy of a middle managerNext to a middle manager's personal characteristics or social network position, the organizational context plays a role in explaining innovative work behavior. A middle manager is an actor in a larger organization and has only limited autonomy for innovative work behavior. It is generally believed that a lack of autonomy will constrain a middle manager's innovative work behavior. For example, theories on corporate ent...