Abstract-Bandwidth [22], which usually have provable convergence, but no practical implementation. Another issue in related work is the unknown performance of certain proposed algorithms in real networks where delay measurements are not perfect due to various OS and hardware-related timing irregularities [26]. We address the former issue by developing a measurement tool PRC-MT that not only achieves asymptotic accuracy in multi-path networks with arbitrary cross-traffic, but also simultaneously measures the capacity and available bandwidth of the tight link. We address the latter issue by performing a comparison study of existing tools in Emulab and assessing their susceptibility to timing irregularities of end-hosts. Our results show that PRC-MT outperforms all existing tools in terms of accuracy, achieves similar convergence delay, and does not require any manual configuration. We also find that interrupt moderation may cause existing tools (such as Pathload [10], Pathchirp [27], and CapProbe [16]) to become quite inaccurate in certain network configurations and exhibit behavior completely different from that in ns2 [28].