The purpose of the study was to compare an adhesion strength of some modern enamel sealants to the enamel of a developing tooth which occurs without adhesive preparation of tooth surface. Materials and methods. In laboratory the shear adhesion strength to human teeth enamel without adhesive system application was compared for “Fissurit FX” (VOCO), “Clinpro™ Sealant” (3M™ ESPE™) and “Jen-Fissufil” (Jendental-Ukraine LLC). 30 samples were tested on tensometric system. Tests were performed according to requirements of ISO 4049:2019 “Dentistry – Polymer-based restorative materials” and ISO 6874:2005 “Dentistry – Polymer-based pit and fissure sealants”. Results and discussion. Performed experimental studies of sealant adhesion (without the use of adhesive systems, only with acid etching) showed that it was the largest in the domestic “Jen-Fissufil” – 9.80 ± 1.17 MPa (M=10.42 MPa, min – 7.41 MPa, max – 11.07 MPa); less in “Fissurit FX” – 9.78 ± 1.33 MPa (M=9.43 MPa, min – 8.23 MPa, max – 12.62 MPa) and “Clinpro™ Sealant” – 9.55 ± 1.88 MPa (М=8.69 MPa, min – 6.35 MPa, and max – 14.73 MPa). The performed statistical tests did not reveal any significant differences between the adhesion strength in all three subgroups. Due to the changes in the concept of dental caries development and approaches to its control that have taken place in dentistry over the past 30 years, the role of enamel sealants in achieving caries control in individual and communal prevention of dental diseases has significantly increased. The tendency to expand the indications for the use of photocomposite enamel sealants in clinical practice is also worth noting. In addition to their direct purpose, the materials can be used for “repair” and restoration of individual photocomposite fillings with minor wear and used as a lining material for the restoration of teeth with carious cavities with a high C-factor. Conclusion. In modern dentistry the use of enamel photocomposite sealants is one of the most effective and reliable methods of preventing caries of the occlusal surfaces of teeth. The study of shear adhesion to acid-etched enamel for photocomposite materials “Fissurit FX”, “Clinpro™ Sealant” and “Jen-Fissufil” did not reveal any significant differences. The technology of composite tooth enamel sealants is currently successful in clinical practice and continues to improve and develop. The development of new and quality improvement of such materials is an urgent issue for science and technology