Th e EU is a structure positioned "in-between" hierarchically organized nationstate governing structures and heterarchically structured global governance structures. Th us, the EU is a hybrid which relies partly on governing and partly on governance. Th is two-dimensionality is a central reason why the question of the constitutional character of the EU remains fundamentally unresolved. Th us, it is proposed that the EU should aim for developing a constitutional form aimed at alleviating the tensions inherent in the European construction through a confl ict of laws approach. In order to respect the hybridity of the Union, such an approach, however, will have to be based on a three-dimensional confl ict of laws concept. It would have to take account of horizontal confl icts between territorial units, vertical confl icts between the EU and its member states, and also horizontal confl icts between the functionally diff erentiated structures of the wider society.