Uses of the first languageOne of the basic issues in second language (L2) teaching is whether one should use the first or native (Li) language in the process. The question becomes thorny if one takes the all-or-none attitude. The thing to do is to analyse the ways in which the Li has been or can be used in L2 teaching and decide from experience or research findings where, when and how to use Li to the best advantage.The use of Li in L2 teaching has commonly been referred to as translation and for the sake of convenience we shall from this point adopt the term, though it may refer to uses of the Li in which no translation on the student's part is involved. Translation, of course, may be in two directions, i.e. from Li to L2 and L2 to Li. As a test of active vocabulary and production of L2 structures the first kind of translation is more appropriate, while the second kind is more suitable for testing passive vocabulary and understanding of L2 structures.It will be noticed that testing is included here, since one cannot know if anything has been learned until one has tested for knowledge of what has been taught. In objective testing of comprehension of a passage in L2, where the passive and productive aspects of achievement are to be assessed separately, the questions on the passage and the multiple choice answers are given in Ll. Often the rubric of L2 tests is given in Li to obviate misunderstanding of what is required.Translation is used in the very process of teaching and learning as in the grammar-translation method. The student is first required to memorise vocabulary lists consisting of L2 words on one side and the L, equivalents on the other. L, is used in explaining the grammatical rules of L2. The student is then given practice exercises which consist in translating Li sentences into L2 by a process of applying the grammatical rules to the memorised vocabulary. In this method L, is used to give the meaning of L2 words and also as a stimulus for producing L2 sentences. Either of the above uses of Li may be adopted without the other in a method of L2 teaching. at VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIV on March 15, 2015 Downloaded from