The present study identified and quantified using iTRAQ-based LC-MS/MS, 1,723 and 1,602 proteins, respectively, in mature boar spermatozoa retrieved from cauda epididymis and three distinct fractions of the ejaculate. A total of 974 of the identified and 960 of the quantified proteins belonged to the Sus scrofa taxonomy. An ANOVA test revealed that 32 Sus scrofa proteins implicated in sperm function showed quantitative differences among sperm sources. The findings demonstrated that the proteome of boar spermatozoa is remodeled during ejaculation.
Graphical Abstract
Highlights• Proteome of mature boar spermatozoa from cauda epididymal and ejaculated sources were analyzed by iTRAQ-based LC-MS/MS.• 1,723 sperm proteins identified (974 of Sus scrofa taxonomy).• 1,602 sperm proteins quantified (960 of Sus scrofa taxonomy).• 32 Sus scrofa sperm proteins were differentially expressed among sperm sources.• The proteome of boar spermatozoa is remodelled during ejaculation. Proteins are essential for sperm function, including their fertilizing capacity. Pig spermatozoa, emitted in well-defined ejaculate fractions, vary in their functionality, which could be related to different sperm protein composition. This study aimed (i) to update the porcine sperm proteome and (ii) to identify proteins differentially expressed in mature spermatozoa from cauda epididymis and those delivered in separate ejaculate fractions. Ejaculates from nine mature and fertile boars were manually collected in three separate portions: the first 10 ml of the sperm-rich ejaculate fraction (SRF), the rest of the SRF and the post-SRF. The contents of cauda epididymides of the boars were collected post-mortem by retrograde duct perfusion, generating four different semen sources for each boar. Following centrifugation, the resulting pellets of each semen source were initially pooled and later split to generate two technical replicates per source. The resulting eight sperm samples (two per semen source) were subjected to iTRAQ-based 2D-LC-MS/MS for protein identification and quantification. A total of 1,723 proteins were identified (974 of Sus scrofa taxonomy) and 1,602 of them were also quantified (960 of Sus scrofa taxonomy).After an ANOVA test, 32 Sus scrofa proteins showed quantitative differences (p < 0.01) among semen sources, which was particularly relevant for sperm functionality in the post-SRF. The present study showed that the proteome of boar spermatozoa is remodeled during ejaculation involving proteins clearly implicated in sperm function. The findings provide valuable groundwork for further studies focused on identifying protein biomarkers of sperm fertility.