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Aims:To evaluate the profile of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization and in-hospital complications associated with the procedure. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data of a retrospective cohort study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in southern Brazil between 2007 and 2013. The study included patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic cardiac catheterization. The data were extracted from electronic medical records using a standardized form and stored in a database for further analysis. Results: Out of 994 assessed patients, 584 (58.8%) were male. The mean age was 61.4 years. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor, followed by dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Regarding clinical presentation, 550 (55.3%) patients had acute coronary syndrome, 402 (40.4%) had stable angina, and 42 (4.2%) were asymptomatic. Cineangiography was normal in 152 (15.3%) patients and abnormal in 842 (84.7%). Of these, 251 (29.8%) had single vessel disease, 190 (22.6%) had double vessel disease, and 401 (47.6%) had triple vessel disease. The overall incidence of complications was 15.6%, and 1% of the patients suffered some kind of major event (death during the procedure and neurological complications during their hospital stay). Other complications included acute kidney injury (1.4%) and local vascular complications (13.2%), mainly hematoma at the puncture site. Fifty (5%) patients died during the hospital stay, 46 (92%) of them from cardiac causes.
Conclusions:The patients undergoing cardiac catheterization were predominantly male, with mean age of 61.4 years. The most frequent risk factors for cardiovascular disease included hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. Most of the patients had triple vessel disease. The main indication for the procedure was acute coronary syndrome. The overall incidence of complications was 15.6% with predominance of hematoma at the puncture site.