The quality of liquid mixing into the main stream for
an in-line
mechanical mixer was investigated for water and pulp suspensions over
a range of mass concentrations (0–3.0%), main-stream velocities
(0.5–3.0 m/s), jet velocities (3.8–12.6 m/s), and rotational
speeds (0–800 rpm) based on electrical resistance tomography
and a modified mixing index, derived from the coefficient of variation
of conductivity values. The mixing quality was worse when the jet
penetrated to the far wall of the pipe for all fiber mass concentrations
investigated, whereas this only applied at higher mass concentrations
without the impeller. For water flow, the residence time had a significant
effect on mixing at higher impeller speeds. With the impeller present,
the mixing quality in pulp suspensions improved substantially and
was similar to that for water when the flow approached the turbulent
regime, with a considerably lower main-stream velocity required for
mixing compared to a tee mixer alone. At higher mass concentrations,
the energy supplied was insufficient to provide the same level of
turbulence as that in water, even at the highest main-stream velocity
and impeller speed examined. Improved mixing with increasing impeller
speed primarily occurred in the high-shear zone around the impeller,
with turbulence decaying rapidly downstream, likely aided by reflocculation.