We investigated the critical current density (Jc) of Ba0.5K0.5Fe2As2 single-crystalline microbridges with thicknesses ranging from 276 to 18 nm. The J c of the microbridge with thickness down to 91 nm is 10.8 MA/cm 2 at 35 K, and reaches 944.4 MA/cm 2 by extrapolating Jc(T ) to T = 0 K using a two-gap s-wave Ginzburg-Landau model, well in accordance with the depairing current limit. The temperature, magnetic field, and angular-dependence of Jc(T, H, θ) indicated weaker field dependence and weakly anisotropic factor of 1.15 (1 T) and 1.26 (5 T), which also yielded the validity of the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau scaling.The newly discovered Fe-based superconductors caused increasing attention due to their potential for applications, owing to high superconducting (SC) transition temperature (T c ), high upper critical fields (H c2 ), and a low critical current (J c ) anisotropy [1]. Compared with the layered cuprate family, although Fe-based superconductors have lower T c , they demonstrate nearly isotropic transport behavior [1]. Investigation of anisotropic J c is essential, from the view point of basic physics parameters and potential applications [2][3][4]. Generally, there are two main methods to explore the J c . The first one is to study patterned thin film micro-devices. The thin films have been fabricated successfully for several systems, including Fe(Se,Te) [2], Ba(Fe,Co) 2 As 2 [3], and LaFeAsO 1−x F x [4]. However, one can hardly obtain an ideal single-crystalline film, due to the presence of twins and low-angle grain boundaries resulting from the island-like growth process [5]. Although the existence of grain boundaries can enhance the J c by increasing pinning, the critical current exhibits exponential decay in the weak-link regime which poses a serious obstacle for practical applications. Up to now, the J c of Fe-based thin films was reported at the level of a few MA/cm 2 at 4.3 K [3][4][5]. The other method is to measure the J c indirectly from magnetization hysteresis loop (MHL) of single crystals. By using the Bean's model the J c can be evaluated from the vortex penetration profile [6], which is determined by pining force owing to the defects, grain boundary, and geometry of the materials. The J c value estimated from MHL remains as well of the order of a few MA/cm 2 at 4.3 K [7]. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: Jun.Li@fys.kuleuven.beWe emphasize that both methods for J c determination are limited by the vortex motion in presence of a finite pining force, but not the intrinsic transport capability of the material, for which an exploration of the GinzburgLandau (GL) depairing current density (J GL dp ) is of great importance for understanding the existing limits for increasing J c [8][9][10]. The J GL dp corresponds to the critical pair-breaking current, which was theoretically estimated to be as high as 200 MA/cm 2 at 0 K for (Ba,K)Fe 2 As 2 [11]. This value is two orders of magnitude larger than previously reported J c 's. Generally, it is rather difficult t...