Thus far, in spite of many interesting developments, the overall progress towards a systematic study and classification of various 'strange' metallic states of matter has been rather limited. To that end, it was argued that a recent proliferation of the ideas of holographic correspondence originating from string theory might offer a possible way out of the stalemate. However, after almost a decade of intensive studies into the proposed extensions of the holographic conjecture to a variety of condensed matter problems, the validity of this intriguing approach remains largely unknown. This discussion aims at ascertaining its true status and elucidating the conditions under which some of its predictions may indeed be right (albeit, possibly, for a wrong reason).Keywords: strongly correlated systems, holographic correspondence, transport theory, strange metals, analogue gravity PACS: 71.27.+a
Condensed matter holography: the promiseAmong the outstanding grand problems in condensed matter physics is that of a deeper understanding and classification of the so-called 'strange metals' or compressible non-Fermi liquid (NFL) states of the strongly interacting systems. However, despite all the effort and a plethora of the important and nontrivial results obtained with the use of the traditional techniques, this program still remains far from completion.As an alternate approach, over the past decade there have been numerous attempts inspired by the hypothetical idea of holographic correspondence which originated from string/gravity/high energy theory (where it is known under the acronym AdS/ CFT) to adapt its main concepts to various condensed matter (or, even more generally, quantum manybody) systems at finite densities and temperatures [1][2][3][4][5][6][7].In its original context, the bona fide holographic principle postulates that certain d + 1-dimensional ('boundary') quantum field theories (e. g. the maximally supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory) may allow for a dual description in terms of a string theory which, upon a proper compactification, amounts to a certain d + 2-dimensional ('bulk') supergravity. Moreover, in the strong coupling limit (characterized in terms of the t'Hooft coupling constant λ = g 2 N >> 1) and for a large rank N > > 1 of the gauge symmetry group, the bulk description can be further reduced down to a weakly fluctuating gravity model which can even be treated semiclassically at the lowest (0th) order of the underlying 1/N-expansion.In the practical applications of the holographic conjecture, the partition function of a strongly interacting boundary theory with the Lagrangian L(ϕ a ) would then be approximated by a saddle-point (classical) value of the bulk action described by the Lagrangian L(g μν ,…) which includes gravity and other fields dual to their boundary counterparts [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] (1) evaluated with the use of a fixed background metric ,while any quantum corrections would usually be neglected by invoking the small parameter 1/N.