This is the accepted version of the paper.This version of the publication may differ from the final published version.
AbstractWe use a two-sided matching framework to analyze collaboration between heterogeneous academics and …rms. We consider both horizontal and vertical characteristics, i.e., those related to a¢ nity (e.g., preferences for a type of scienti…c research) and those related to ability (e.g., capacity to produce high-quality scienti…c output). We build a unique dataset based on the teams of academics and …rms that proposed research projects to the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Our results are suggestive of positive assortative matching in terms of ability and type while the matching is negative assortative in terms of their interactions. The most able and the most applied academics are the ones that are more likely to propose collaborative as opposed to non-collaborative projects.
JEL Classi…cation numbers: O32, I23