Objective: Oryza sativa being the contributor of more than 2 million tons of staple food plays assorted role in agrarian economy of Pakistan. Variety of pathogens and insecticides cause serious loses of its yield. To develop immunity at genetic level in O. sativa, nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeat proteins (NBS-LRR), associated with plant response to pathogens, have been targeted in present study.Methodology: Eight nucleotide sequences of NBS-LRR protein were retrieved from Rice Genome Annotation Project (RGAP) database. Variants were analyzed through ProtParam, CELLO2 and SOPMA tools and SWISS MODEL server.Results and conclusion: Isoelectric point (pI), instability index, aliphatic index and GRAVY showed only slight variations. Diversity was observed in sub-cellular localization, secondary (2D) and tertiary (3D) structures. Significant heterogeneity found among NBS-LRR proteins, in present study, might help to remove homogeneity in rice crops leading to reduced epidemics and yield stability.