Abstract. With respect to lithium batteries, vanadate-based electrodes display large electrochemical capacities that rapidly decay during the cycling. A full study of the 3d-metal(M)-based vanadates performed using in situ DRX, XAS and TEM has enabled to pinpoint the important role of the 3d-metal cations, and has motivated the study of simple metal oxides MO, (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Fe) in rechargeable Li cells. We found that these materials could reversibly react with a large amount of lithium leading to capacities as high as 800 mAh/g. The reactivity mechanism totally differs from the well established one based on Li insertion-deinsertion or Li alloying reactions but mainly involves the formation of highly reactive metallic nanoparticles that favor Li20 formation-decomposition. Besides, we gave experimental evidence of an electrochemically driven polymerization-dissolution process at low potential, which is highly reversible, and emphasized the importance of the role of the electrolyte on such a process. Finally, the universality of this mechanism to account for the large Li reactivity at low voltage in many 3d-metal (Co, Ni, Fe, Cu, Mn)-based oxides is discussed together with the urgent issues to be solved for such oxide anodes to stand as serious alternative candidates for today's carbon anodes in Li-ion cells.
IntroductionBecause of their large specific energy, volumetric energy density and great design flexibility, Li-ion batteries have become the technology of choice for today's portable electronics. With the foreseen trend in electronics for low operating voltage devices, the main question is whether we should simply rely on electronics (DC-DC converters) to adjust the Li-ion active electrochemistry voltage to the demand or rather act on the system chemistry (designing novel materials) to lower the Li-ion cell output voltage while maintaining its energy density. This implies the search for negative electrode materials with larger capacities and reacting with Li at higher voltages than those of the present carbon.Recent attempts, as exemplified by the 2 V Li-ion LiCoO2 ! LixCo3N system [1,2], have recently been made in refining Li-ion insertion materials for use in battery