Relative permeabilities (RP) play an important role in reservoir engineering. RP functions together with the permeability anisotropy coefficient predetermine waterflooding efficiency and oil/water ratio in production forecast. Traditionally multiphase flow parameters are estimated from core analysis data. But such measurements suffer from small representative elementary volume (REV) and limited characterization of reservoir properties. Therefore using core data in 3D reservoir modelling could lead to distorted description of actual flow conditions. Despite those functions (RP) could be history matched with assimilated production data, such a procedure would require long history of waterflooding. So the authors’ idea is to apply integrated well test study to estimate the displacement efficiency and/or relative permeability functions at downhole conditions. Well testing is traditionally applied in reservoir engineering for single-phase reservoir parameters estimation. Our approach is extended to multi-phase flow and is based on data collection at well bottomholes and subsequent data assimilation in flow model.
In this paper we summarize both features of mathematical problem statement and identifiability of multiphase parameters through inverse problem solution, but also discuss 10+ -year experience in interpretation of two-phase well testing using our technologies. To estimate multiphase parameters, we have to jointly consider complex data of well logging and dynamic data of well testing. Both data sets are used in the inverse problem quality criteria, where the least squares method has been applied. Forward problem corresponds to a 3D multiphase fluid flow model in porous media. The latter consists of continuity equation with multiphase Darcy equation instead of moment balances. For data assimilation modern methods of optimal control theory were successfully applied. For all synthetic test cases real reservoir parameters were accurately recovered through the use of forward simulation data.
In order to estimate reservoir heterogeneity, we applied a single-phase model to get the ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability. Data of well self-interference testing were used for vertical permeability estimation. Depending on the depth of reservoir pressure perturbation, reservoir properties could be properly inferred from observations. Two other options of 3D interference testing using vertical and horizontal wells are also presented.
In other words, all the problems considered are identifiable, and the level of their correctness is completely predetermined by the amount and quality of observed data. And transition to digital (intelligent) oil-and-gas production and closed-loop reservoir management [1] provides a possibility to remove discussed restrictions and all inverse problems considered should be accounted as fully identifiable.