Pyridocarbazole moieties are present in many natural products, such as olivacine and ellipticine, and their derivatives are well-known anticancer agents. To develop functional therapeutic and diagnostic compounds, three emissive pyrido[3,2-c]carbazole derivatives, PC-X,c ontaining secondary or tertiary amine groups, were synthesized from an aminoquinoline derivative using ap alladium complex as the catalyst. X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that PC-X showed highly planar structures between the pyridine ring and the carbazole framework, exhibiting high fluorescence intensities along with solvatochromic behavior.I magingo f HeLa cells treated with PC-X showed no specific accumulation into the organelles;h owever,acomparative examina-tion showedt hat the accumulation in mitochondriaw as the highest as comparedt on uclei and lysosomes. Cytotoxicity analysisu sing HeLa cellss howed that PC-H, containing a secondary amine group showed the highest cytotoxicity (IC 50 % 20 mm)a sc omparedt oa nother PC-X having at ertiary amine group. Colocalizationw ith MitoTracker,atypical mitochondrial staining dye, showed apoptosis-like behavior with remarkable appearance of blebbing during irradiation with near UV light (403 nm), suggesting that the PC-H may not only behave as af luorescencep robe for the imagingo rganelles, but also as at herapeutic agent fori nducing apoptosis in HeLa cells, thereby functioning as atheranostic agent.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s)for the author(s)ofthis article can be found under: https://doi.