“…Supporting fundamentalr esearch on the reaction mechanisms, intermediate species and dissolution/crystallization processes, however,m ight be necessary.T herefore, in situ measurements such as X-ray,N MR, or Ramant echniques may providei mportant insights into these processes. [41,42] Experimental Section General Loading of the autoclaves with solid starting materials (see below) were conducted under exclusion of oxygen and moisture in an argon-filled glovebox (Unilab, MBraun, Garching, O 2 < 1ppm, H 2 O < 1ppm). The condensation of ammonia into the autoclaves was performed using avacuum line ( 0.1 Pa) with argon and ammonia (both:A ir Liquide, 99.999 %) supply.T he gases were further purified by gas cartridges (Micro torr FT400-902 (for Ar) and MC400-702FV (for NH 3 ), SAES Pure Gas Inc.,S an Luis Obispo, CA, USA), providing ap urity level of < 1p pbV H 2 O, O 2 and CO 2 .T he amount of condensed ammonia was detected using am ass flow meter (d-6320-DR, Bronkhorst, Ruurlo, Netherlands).…”