Abstract. Asymmetries in plasma density irregularity generation between the leading and trailing edges of the largescale plasma density structures in the high-latitude ionosphere are investigated. A model is developed that evaluates the gradient-drift instability (GDI) growth rate differences across the gradient reversal that is applicable at all propagation directions and for the broad range of altitudes spanning the entire lower ionosphere. In particular, the model describes asymmetries that would be observed by an oblique scanning radar near density structures in the polar cap such as elongated polar patches. The dependencies on the relative orientations between the directions of the gradient reversal, plasma convection, and wave propagation are examined at different altitudinal regions. At all altitudes, the largest asymmetries are expected for observations along the gradient reversals, e.g., when an elongated structure is oriented along the radar boresight. The convection direction that results in the strongest asymmetries exhibits a strong dependence on the altitude, with the optimal convection being parallel to the gradient reversal in the E region, perpendicular to it in the F region, and at some angle between these extremes in the transitional region. Implications for observations of polar patches by oblique scanning radars within the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network are discussed. It is demonstrated that the wave propagation direction relative to the prevalent convection and gradient directions plays a critical role in controlling both the irregularity growth rate and its asymmetries near gradient reversals.