We have benchmarked the 550 • C, 20 Torr growth of Si:P and Si 1−y C y :P using SiH 4 and Si 2 H 6 . P segregation has prevented us from reaching P + ion concentrations in Si higher than a few 10 19 cm −3 using SiH 4 ; the resulting surface 'poisoning' led to a severe growth rate reduction. Meanwhile, [P + ] increased linearly with the phosphine flow when using Si 2 H 6 as the Si precursor; values as high as 1.7 × 10 20 cm −3 were obtained. The Si:P growth rate using Si 2 H 6 was initially stable then increased as the PH 3 flow increased. Mono-methylsilane flows 6.5-10 times higher were needed with Si 2 H 6 than with SiH 4 to reach the same substitutional C concentrations in intrinsic Si 1−y C y layers ([C] subst. up to 1.9%). Growth rates were approximately six times higher with Si 2 H 6 than with SiH 4 , however. 30 nm thick Si 1−y C y layers became rough as [C] subst. exceeded 1.6% (formation of increasing numbers of islands). We have also studied the structural and electrical properties of 'low' and 'high' C content Si 1−y C y :P layers (∼ 1.5 and 1.8%, respectively) grown with Si 2 H 6 . Adding significant amounts of PH 3 led to a reduction of the tensile strain in the films. This was due to the incorporation of P atoms (at the expense of C atoms) in the substitutional sites of the Si matrix. Si 1−y C y :P layers otherwise became rough as the PH 3 flow increased. Resistivities lower than 1 m cm were nevertheless associated with those Si 1−y C y :P layers, with P atomic concentrations at most 3.9 × 10 20 cm −3 . Finally, we have quantified the beneficial impact of adding GeH 4 to HCl for the low-temperature etching of Si. Etch rates 12-36 times higher with HCl + GeH 4 than with pure HCl were achieved at 20 Torr. Workable etch rates close to 1 nm min −1 were obtained at 600 • C (versus 750 • C for pure HCl), enabling low-temperature cyclic deposition/etch strategies for the selective epitaxial growth of Si, Si:P and Si 1−y C y :P layers on patterned wafers.