Structural, physical property, and magnetic data from Ocean Drilling Program Site 808 in the Nankai Trough, Japan, indicate that both sediment loading and plate convergence have driven dewatering and consolidation in this region. Evidence for this interpretation is provided by a migrated seismic reflection profile, computed tomography of core-scale structures, magnetic susceptibility and P-wave velocity data, and experimental studies of Site 808 samples. These data also show that the strain (including volume change) resulting from plate convergence is partitioned into both penetrative deformation structures as well as more discrete, core-scale structures with finite displacements. These core-scale structures range from relatively subtle, kink-like deflections of the primary phyllosilicate fabric to sharp discontinuities with probable displacements much greater than the dimensions of the core barrel. Although all of the structures acted at least in part as dewatering conduits, evidence of concentrated fluid flow in this region of the prism is limited to a narrow interval almost 150 m above the décollement (located at between 946 and 965 mbsf). This interval correlates with the middle of a hemipelagic sequence above the décollement that appears to have thinned, apparently through dewatering, relative to a more seaward section. Thinning and dewatering appear to have been induced by deposition of a more clastic sedimentary sequence (the outer marginal trench-wedge sediments) that grades upward into a coarse-grained trench-fill sequence. Importantly, the hemipelagic sequence below the décollement appears to have thinned very little, suggesting that these sediments are underconsolidated and overpressured. This interpretation is consistent with porosity measurements from below the décollement. Microscopic and submicroscopic studies of sediments from within the décollement record a cyclic deformation sequence of displacement-brecciation-porosity collapse and compaction that may also reflect deformation of an overpressured sequence. Finally, the structural, physical property, and magnetic data also yield kinematic and geometric results consistent with the present convergent vector between the Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia. These data indicate a shortening direction that trends between 308° and 315°, consistent with plate convergent vectors that trend between 310°a nd 314°.