DOI: 10.1007/s00338-018-1692-z
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In situ shifts of predominance between autotrophic and heterotrophic feeding in the reef-building coral Mussismilia hispida: an approach using fatty acid trophic markers

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Cited by 42 publications
(33 citation statements)
References 63 publications
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“…Thus, the observed decrease in relative nifH gene copy numbers, i.e., relative diazotroph abundances, with increasing water depth may indeed be linked to reduced photosynthate translocation by Symbiodiniaceae (Lesser et al, 2007;Bednarz et al, 2018). Other studies have reported increased dependence on heterotrophy by coral holobionts with increasing water depth, decreasing temperature and/or light availability (Anthony and Fabricius, 2000;Palardy et al, 2008;Einbinder et al, 2009;Ferrier-Pagès et al, 2011;Godinot et al, 2011;Mies et al, 2018;Williams et al, 2018). Thereby, heterotrophy could provide the coral holobiont with a large part of its nutrient demand at these greater depths (Houlbrèque and Ferrier-Pagès, 2009;Lesser et al, 2010;Wijgerde et al, 2011;Burmester et al, 2018).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 88%
“…Thus, the observed decrease in relative nifH gene copy numbers, i.e., relative diazotroph abundances, with increasing water depth may indeed be linked to reduced photosynthate translocation by Symbiodiniaceae (Lesser et al, 2007;Bednarz et al, 2018). Other studies have reported increased dependence on heterotrophy by coral holobionts with increasing water depth, decreasing temperature and/or light availability (Anthony and Fabricius, 2000;Palardy et al, 2008;Einbinder et al, 2009;Ferrier-Pagès et al, 2011;Godinot et al, 2011;Mies et al, 2018;Williams et al, 2018). Thereby, heterotrophy could provide the coral holobiont with a large part of its nutrient demand at these greater depths (Houlbrèque and Ferrier-Pagès, 2009;Lesser et al, 2010;Wijgerde et al, 2011;Burmester et al, 2018).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 88%
“…Mussismilia spp. have been widely reported as stresstolerant organisms (Leão et al, 2003;Loiola et al, 2013;Mies et al, 2018). Among branching corals, only three species occur in South Atlantic reefs, while several species within the Millepora, Acropora and Porites genera are found in the Caribbean.…”
Section: Coral Growth Morphologymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…oceanographical environment for the development of coral reefs, thereby selecting resistant species (Leão et al, 2003(Leão et al, , 2008Vasconcelos et al, 2018). This kept acroporids entirely out of the South Atlantic and favored massive species with large corallites, which aid in sediment cleaning and heterotrophic feeding (Logan, 1988;Crabbe and Smith, 2002;Mies et al, 2018;Marangoni et al, 2019). Therefore, South Atlantic corals may represent something of a resistant subset of Caribbean coral diversity.…”
Section: Mortality Associated With Bleaching Episodesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although fed corals had higher symbiont concentrations and chl-a content (Grottoli, 2002;Rodolfo-Metalpa et al, 2008), zooxanthellate cnidarians seem to be preferably autotrophic and may adopt a higher heterotrophic contribution just under stressful condition (Ezzat et al, 2013;Mies et al, 2018b). However, the role of heterotrophy to prevent bleaching or compensate a reduction of primary production is species-dependent (Treignier et al, 2008;Ezzat et al, 2013).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Exogenous energetic inputs may also aid the host until the environmental conditions are favorable for autotrophic production. Even though some authors have reported that heterotrophic feeding is not able to compensate for either reduced photosynthetic rate or bleaching (Ezzat et al, 2013;Levas et al, 2015), several studies suggest that it can improve resilience of organisms undergoing stressful events (Clayton and Lasker, 1984;Grottoli et al, 2006;Hughes and Grottoli, 2013;Grottoli et al, 2017;Tagliafico et al, 2017;Mies et al, 2018b).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%