Acoustic surveys were conducted in late summer/early fall during the years 1992-1996 and 2001-2013 to estimate pelagic prey fish biomass in Lake Michigan. Midwater trawling during the surveys as well as target strength provided a measure of species and size composition of the fish community for use in scaling acoustic data and providing species-specific abundance estimates. The 2013 survey consisted of 27 acoustic transects (546 km total) and 31 midwater trawl tows. Mean prey fish biomass was 6.1 kg/ha (relative standard error, RSE = 11%) or 29.6 kilotonnes (kt = 1,000 metric tons), which was similar to the estimate in 2012 (31.1 kt) and 23.5% of the long-term (18 years) mean. The numeric density of the 2013 alewife year class was 6% of the time series average and this year-class contributed 4% of total alewife biomass (5.2 kg/ha, RSE = 12%). Alewife ≥age-1 comprised 96% of alewife biomass. In 2013, alewife comprised 86% of total prey fish biomass, while rainbow smelt and bloater were 4 and 10% of total biomass, respectively. Rainbow smelt biomass in 2013 (0.24 kg/ha, RSE = 17%) was essentially identical to the rainbow smelt biomass in 2012 and was 6% of the long term mean. Bloater biomass in 2013 was 0.6 kg/ha, only half the 2012 biomass, and 6% of the long term mean. Mean density of small bloater in 2013 (29 fish/ha, RSE = 29%) was lower than peak values observed in 2007-2009 and was 23% of the time series mean. In 2013, pelagic prey fish biomass in Lake Michigan was similar to Lake Huron, but pelagic community composition differs in the two lakes, with Lake Huron dominated by bloater.
1Presented at:Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lake Michigan Committee Meeting Windsor, ON, March 25-26, 2014 2
INTRODUCTIONAnnual evaluation of long-term data on prey fish dynamics is critical in light of changes to the Lake Michigan food web during the last 40 years (Madenjian et al. 2002) and continued restructuring due to exotic species, pollution, fishing, and fish stocking. Alewives are the primary prey in Lake Michigan and of especial importance to introduced salmonines in the Great Lakes (Elliott 1993;Rybicki and Clapp 1996;Warner et al. 2008;Jacobs et al. 2013), and, as such, constitute an important food web component. The traditional Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) prey fish monitoring method (bottom trawl) is inadequate for fish located off bottom (Fabrizio et al. 1997). In particular, bottom trawls provide particularly biased estimates for age-0 alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) based on catchability estimates from stock assessment modeling (Tsehaye et al. 2014). Much of the alewife biomass will not be recruited to bottom trawls until age-3 (Madenjian et al. 2005), but significant predation by salmonines may occur on alewives ≤ age-2 . Alewife abundance patterns tend to be highly variable because recruitment of alewife is variable and total alewife density is highly correlated with the density of alewife ≤ age-2 . Because of the ability of acoustic equipment to count organisms far above bottom, this type ...