Abstract. This paper investigates in an innovative way the climatological vertical stratification of relative humidity (RH) and ozone (O 3 ) and carbon monoxide (CO) mixing ratios within the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and at the 15 interface with the free troposphere (FT). The climatology includes all vertical profiles available at northern midlatitudes over the period 1994-2016 in both IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System) and WOUDC (World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre) databases, which represents more than 90,000 vertical profiles.For all individual profiles, apart from the specific case of surface-based temperature inversions (SBIs), the PBL height is estimated following the elevated temperature inversion (EI) method. Several features of both SBIs and EIs are 20 analysed, including their diurnal and seasonal variations. Based on these PBL height estimates (denoted h), the original approach introduced in this paper consists in building a so-called PBL-referenced vertical distribution of O 3 , CO and RH by averaging all individual profiles beforehand expressed as a function of z/h rather than z (with z the altitude).Using this vertical coordinate system allows to highlight the features existing at the PBL-FT interface that would have been smoothed otherwise.
25Results demonstrate that the frequently assumed well-mixed PBL remains an exception for both chemical species.Within the PBL, CO profiles are characterized by a mean vertical stratification (here defined as the standard deviation of the CO profile between the surface and the PBL top, normalized by the mean) of 11%, with moderate seasonal and diurnal variations. A higher vertical stratification is observed for O 3 mixing ratios (18%), with stronger seasonal and diurnal variability (from ~10% in spring/summer midday/afternoon to ~25% in winter/fall night). This vertical 30 stratification is distributed heterogeneously in the PBL with stronger vertical gradients observed at both the surface (due to dry deposition and titration by NO for O 3 ; and due to surface emissions for CO) and the PBL-FT interface. These gradients vary with the season from lowest values in summer to highest ones in winter. Contrary to CO, the O 3 vertical stratification was found to vary with the surface potential temperature following an interesting bell shape with weakest stratification for both lowest (typically negative) and highest temperatures, which could be due to a much lower O 3 dry Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi