As public consciousness of sexism is increasing in the workplace (e.g., #MeToo movement), labeling oneself as an ally (e.g., UN HeforShe campaign) is becoming more socially desirable for men. However, do women agree with such men in their assessments of being allies? In particular, how do women’s perspectives of men’s allyship affect their own inclusion-relevant outcomes? Using a multi-informant design and data from 101 men-women colleague pairs, this study considered men’s self-perceptions and women’s other-reports of men’s key allyship-relevant characteristics - justice, moral courage, emotional intelligence, civility, and allyship. Polynomial regression and response surface analyses revealed differential impacts of (in)congruence between men’s and women’s perceptions on women’s sense of inclusion and vitality. Simply, when women perceived men as higher (or the same) in justice, moral courage, emotional intelligence, and civility than men reported themselves, it positively predicted women’s outcomes. This suggests that humble self-presentation by men on characteristics that are parallel to allyship (but not allyship) may be ideal. Yet, both under- and over-estimation by men on allyship itself predicted poorer outcomes for women, suggesting that the ideal is for men to have an accurate assessment of their own strengths and weaknesses as an ally.