This is my last issue as co-editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR). Please, let me I express my gratitude for the honor and opportunity to serve in this role.It is not easy to start a new project, and I am sure that launching a journal dedicated exclusively to mixed methods in 2007 was a complex and difficult task. I would like to express my gratitude and recognition to the founding editors of JMMR, John Creswell and Abbas Tashakkori, not only for their vision and pioneering role but also for their excellent work on the first volumes of the journal. This exemplary work has also been carried out by past editors Max Bergman, Donna Mertens, Dawn Freshwater and Michael Fetters. Thanks for your leading and innovative role.I would like to thank the members of the editorial team during my nine years as co-editor. My appreciation and gratitude to the associate editors, media editors and managing editor for their outstanding service to the journal. They play a key role in the daily operations and review process of manuscripts, providing excellent comments, suggestions and guidance to authors, helping to ensure the highest quality of published papers. I am very grateful to