While the embryonal central neuroepithelial tumors present complex conceptual and clinical problems, advances in cell type identification by special neurohistological, immunohisto- and immunocytochemical techniques have permitted discrimination of distinct cytomorphogenetic entities. These are based in part on their resemblance to the normal phases of neurocytogenesis. Four of these tumors, medulloepithelioma, desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, pineoblastoma and medulloblastoma, are designated as multipotential in light of their capacity to undergo divergent differentiation. Cytomorphogenetic, clinical and experimental data implicate fetal neural cell targets for transformation and raise the possibility that aberrant developmental regulatory mechanisms may contribute to the biologic behavior of these tumors. Growth factors and some neuroregulatory neurotransmitters (such as serotonin) are known to act as modulators of normal neuromorphogenesis. They could play a regulatory role in central neuroepithelial tumors on the hypothesis that the aberrant behavior of the embryonal neoplasms could either be modified by functional receptor responses or result from abnormal receptor responses to these substances. Future challenges include the definition of new cytomorphogenetic entities and subgroups of the currently defined forms of embryonal CNS tumors based on the presence of specific growth factors and neuroregulatory neurotransmitters, or their receptors, the characterization of neoplastic receptor responses mediating any modulatory role of the presently known growth factors or neuroregulatory neurotransmitters on the growth and maturation potential of the embryonal central neuroepithelial tumors and the further definition of developmental, stage-specific modulators that might be operative in these tumors.